A Consumer/Survivor Has Fun With IT
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Yesterday I started a new project:
is an edutainment software development kit used to create web-based
games and lessons (called apps). All apps are either single or dual-user
and are written in a Python-like language called Jispertalk. Screen
layouts are structured using a markup language called Jypertex. I eventually hope to hire a Java Programmer on the autism spectrum and pitch my idea to the Ryerson DMZ, an incubator for tech startups. Hopefully I can hire a Ryerson business major to be the CEO, and find an angel investor to pay the salaries of my employees.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Eleven days ago I started designing what is now called, which is a web hosting service in which all sites are developed using 2 computer languages of my own invention: Bracetagger and Jispotalk. The former is a markup language and the latter is a scripting language. Today I finished writing the design specs. If I eventually run into some kind of insurmountable technical hurdle, such as pages loading too slowly, then I can always revert to my previous project,, which is a tutoring website that would reuse what will be my very lengthy Jispotalk-related code (including the Jispotalk compiler).
The first step in implementing Jispotech is finishing my Java Scrabble game. I hope to finish the robot player functionality sometime this week. I intend to work on it after dinner this evening. By working on that game I am familiarizing myself with the Java programming language. I've already written over 3000 lines of code. Happy coding, all of you Java gurus out there!
The first step in implementing Jispotech is finishing my Java Scrabble game. I hope to finish the robot player functionality sometime this week. I intend to work on it after dinner this evening. By working on that game I am familiarizing myself with the Java programming language. I've already written over 3000 lines of code. Happy coding, all of you Java gurus out there!
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Jalypon and new smartphone
Today I more or less finished writing the design specs for my latest software project: (used to be Psybryte). Jalypon drops the mental health-related aspects of Psybryte. Also, websites hosted by Jalypon can be developed in one of 3 languages: Lyvathon (a proprietary, open source language), Java, or Python. Jalypon is pronounced jalley-pawn (rhymes with galley-gone).
Also today I went grocery shopping and this afternoon I must go for my daily 30-minute walk. Later today or this evening I must work on my Java Scrabble game. Next week I will finally be getting an Android smartphone. Last weekend I upgraded my laptop from Windows Vista to Windows 10, which is a much better operating system. I still do all my software development, email and web browsing on my Linux desktop computer. Next Saturday the 18th I have a date with my friend Steph: we're going to the Hockey Hall of Fame, since she has a pair of free passes. Gotta go, it's almost lunchtime.
Also today I went grocery shopping and this afternoon I must go for my daily 30-minute walk. Later today or this evening I must work on my Java Scrabble game. Next week I will finally be getting an Android smartphone. Last weekend I upgraded my laptop from Windows Vista to Windows 10, which is a much better operating system. I still do all my software development, email and web browsing on my Linux desktop computer. Next Saturday the 18th I have a date with my friend Steph: we're going to the Hockey Hall of Fame, since she has a pair of free passes. Gotta go, it's almost lunchtime.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Psybryte and Jabbler
Yesterday I renamed my Typracell project to, and gave it a new mandate: to facilitate the exchange of knowledge/data amongst consumer/survivors, mental health organizations, and community members through free web-hosting. Other non-profit organizations pay half the web-hosting rate paid by for-profit companies.
After the 2 computer languages included with Psybryte: Bracetagger and Lyvathon (a markup language and a scripting language, respectively) are both up and running, I will approach Progress Place, which is a clubhouse for consumer/survivors where I used to be a member. I want them to recruit computer-savvy PP members who can teach Psybryte web design to other PP members. They can also be beta-testers. Then I will attempt to join the Ryerson Digital Media Zone (DMZ), which is an incubator for tech startups, by pitching to them my Psybryte idea. If I get in I will use the DMZ to help out in my search for funders. The funding will pay to subsidize the free and half-price web hosting for non-profit organizations, and will also pay the salaries of the CEO and one or two Java programmers who are on the autism spectrum. An organization called Specialisterne will help me recruit the autistic programmers (they find tech jobs for people on the autism spectrum). I can use CAMH (I'm an outpatient there) to help me search for the CEO who will be someone with an anxiety disorder but is good with people.
I recently finished the command-line version of my Java Scrabble game, which is called Jabbler, and I laid the foundations for my future code that handles robot players. After implementing robot players I will begin learning GUI-oriented Java programming (I already know Delphi-based GUI programming so that's not too hard). That will enable me to add a graphical user interface to Jabbler. When that's done I can begin implementing Psybryte using Java, starting with solidifying my Bracetagger design specs and then I have to learn my Java for Web Applications book. Another task is to implement the command-line version of the core Lyvathon modules: the assembler, the runtime environment, and the compiler. So it looks like I've got my work cut out for me. Happy coding to one and all!
After the 2 computer languages included with Psybryte: Bracetagger and Lyvathon (a markup language and a scripting language, respectively) are both up and running, I will approach Progress Place, which is a clubhouse for consumer/survivors where I used to be a member. I want them to recruit computer-savvy PP members who can teach Psybryte web design to other PP members. They can also be beta-testers. Then I will attempt to join the Ryerson Digital Media Zone (DMZ), which is an incubator for tech startups, by pitching to them my Psybryte idea. If I get in I will use the DMZ to help out in my search for funders. The funding will pay to subsidize the free and half-price web hosting for non-profit organizations, and will also pay the salaries of the CEO and one or two Java programmers who are on the autism spectrum. An organization called Specialisterne will help me recruit the autistic programmers (they find tech jobs for people on the autism spectrum). I can use CAMH (I'm an outpatient there) to help me search for the CEO who will be someone with an anxiety disorder but is good with people.
I recently finished the command-line version of my Java Scrabble game, which is called Jabbler, and I laid the foundations for my future code that handles robot players. After implementing robot players I will begin learning GUI-oriented Java programming (I already know Delphi-based GUI programming so that's not too hard). That will enable me to add a graphical user interface to Jabbler. When that's done I can begin implementing Psybryte using Java, starting with solidifying my Bracetagger design specs and then I have to learn my Java for Web Applications book. Another task is to implement the command-line version of the core Lyvathon modules: the assembler, the runtime environment, and the compiler. So it looks like I've got my work cut out for me. Happy coding to one and all!
Monday, January 16, 2017
Typracell, Meetagrid, and Jabbler
Yesterday I designed a new project called Typracell: an online marketplace of goods, services, and ideas. It uses 2 languages I more or less finished designing which I mentioned in my previous post: Typrathon (used to be Pyrenthic) and Bracetagger. Typracell is implemented in Java. I started designing the precursor of Typracell about 8 weeks ago: Pyrenthica.
The first step in implementing Typracell is learning Java by developing a Scrabble game called Jabbler. After I finish Jabbler I will implement Meetagrid, which is a website that facilitates online meetings. I have already implemented the command-line version of Jabbler and released it on GitHub. The next step is to implement robot players (playing against the computer). Many years ago I wrote a Scrabble game using Delphi which supported robot players, and they always beat me.
I continue to exchange emails with my friend Steph, and sometimes we go out on dates. She doesn't want to be in a relationship with me or anyone, since she doesn't feel ready for that at this stage in her life. I go for a brisk 30-minute walk almost every day, I floss my teeth once a week, and I try to buy 3 or 4 bananas and 3 apples once every 8 to 11 days. Eventually I intend to also buy lettuce and tomatoes on those same trips to FreshCo. I seem to have very little depression these days, due to my keeping relatively busy with my computer projects. It's also a morale booster to have a friend that I met on a dating site, even though we're just friends. I got very little sleep last night so I think I might go to bed early. Tomorrow is my volunteer job and the day after I'll start working on robot players. Until we meet again on Blogger, that's all for now.
The first step in implementing Typracell is learning Java by developing a Scrabble game called Jabbler. After I finish Jabbler I will implement Meetagrid, which is a website that facilitates online meetings. I have already implemented the command-line version of Jabbler and released it on GitHub. The next step is to implement robot players (playing against the computer). Many years ago I wrote a Scrabble game using Delphi which supported robot players, and they always beat me.
I continue to exchange emails with my friend Steph, and sometimes we go out on dates. She doesn't want to be in a relationship with me or anyone, since she doesn't feel ready for that at this stage in her life. I go for a brisk 30-minute walk almost every day, I floss my teeth once a week, and I try to buy 3 or 4 bananas and 3 apples once every 8 to 11 days. Eventually I intend to also buy lettuce and tomatoes on those same trips to FreshCo. I seem to have very little depression these days, due to my keeping relatively busy with my computer projects. It's also a morale booster to have a friend that I met on a dating site, even though we're just friends. I got very little sleep last night so I think I might go to bed early. Tomorrow is my volunteer job and the day after I'll start working on robot players. Until we meet again on Blogger, that's all for now.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Pyrenthica, Twirthie, and Facelooks
I am currently in the early stages of developing a project called Pyrenthica, which is an open source web development framework written in Python, and will eventually be a general-purpose tool for developing Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and Android projects. It includes a new programming language I have designed called Pyrenthic. Just in the past 2 days I have joined GitHub, where thousands of open source projects are hosted. In addition to Pyrenthica, I have created a Facelooks repository on GitHub. Facelooks is a tool which manages your image collection. Today I intend to finish writing comments in my Facelooks Python code (which is working), and will take an extended break from working on that project. This evening I intend to work on my Twirthie project, which is a Tree-Walker of Intrusive, Repetitive Thoughts (the main positive symptom of my schizophrenia, I also suffer from negative symptoms such as being amotivated). Twirthie will eventually be converted into a Pyrenthica project, and then rewritten in the Pyrenthic programming language.
I might buy an Android smartphone in January (never had a cell phone). I have been out on 6 dates with my friend Steph, and in the last weekend of November we're going out on a 7th date, to the ROM, otherwise known as the Museum (we are just friends). We started messaging each other 6 months ago. She also has schizophrenia, and we met on a dating site for consumer/survivors called I've had a lot less depression than usual in the last 11 months, except in the last 2 months or so. I participated in a research study at CAMH in February, to find out if Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) helps enhance working memory in those living with schizophrenia. I later found out that rTMS is also used to treat depression, and I suspect that the rTMS treatments I had back then made the depression go away. I remember my head feeling so incredibly clear on the way back and forth to CAMH (maybe more so on the way home) when I was having those treatments.
After I publish this post I will go for a brisk 30-minute walk, since I need to exercise more. I also went for a walk yesterday, but last week I only went for a walk once, a week ago. I'm supposed to floss my teeth at least once a week, despite a news story on the CBC website debunking the notion that flossing is good for you (that study showed that no proof for that notion actually exists). Next thing you know they'll find out that smoking tobacco and crack cocaine are actually quite healthy pasttimes. I must eat more fruits and vegetables, but keep procrastinating about getting into that habit. I'm supposed to clean/replace my microwave air filters, and also clean the air filter in my dryer (failing to do that is a fire hazard), but never seem to get around to doing those things. Oh well, at least I'm on very good terms with my Linux desktop computer. Couldn't live without it. At least I've had no depression since resurrecting my Pyrenthica project 2 days ago, which had previously been in jeopardy due to an over reliance on a very messy and inefficient scheme of rendering text on the user's web page. I no longer have that problem with Pyrenthica. Golly gee willakers! Programming is so much fun. Gotta go.
I might buy an Android smartphone in January (never had a cell phone). I have been out on 6 dates with my friend Steph, and in the last weekend of November we're going out on a 7th date, to the ROM, otherwise known as the Museum (we are just friends). We started messaging each other 6 months ago. She also has schizophrenia, and we met on a dating site for consumer/survivors called I've had a lot less depression than usual in the last 11 months, except in the last 2 months or so. I participated in a research study at CAMH in February, to find out if Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) helps enhance working memory in those living with schizophrenia. I later found out that rTMS is also used to treat depression, and I suspect that the rTMS treatments I had back then made the depression go away. I remember my head feeling so incredibly clear on the way back and forth to CAMH (maybe more so on the way home) when I was having those treatments.
After I publish this post I will go for a brisk 30-minute walk, since I need to exercise more. I also went for a walk yesterday, but last week I only went for a walk once, a week ago. I'm supposed to floss my teeth at least once a week, despite a news story on the CBC website debunking the notion that flossing is good for you (that study showed that no proof for that notion actually exists). Next thing you know they'll find out that smoking tobacco and crack cocaine are actually quite healthy pasttimes. I must eat more fruits and vegetables, but keep procrastinating about getting into that habit. I'm supposed to clean/replace my microwave air filters, and also clean the air filter in my dryer (failing to do that is a fire hazard), but never seem to get around to doing those things. Oh well, at least I'm on very good terms with my Linux desktop computer. Couldn't live without it. At least I've had no depression since resurrecting my Pyrenthica project 2 days ago, which had previously been in jeopardy due to an over reliance on a very messy and inefficient scheme of rendering text on the user's web page. I no longer have that problem with Pyrenthica. Golly gee willakers! Programming is so much fun. Gotta go.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Post for Desmond Cole
Dear Mr. Cole:
I read the article "The Skin I'm
In" which you wrote for Toronto Life. It must be a nuisance and hurtful
to your self-esteem to be stopped by the cops 50 times, just for not
having the right skin colour. I'm white so I've never been stopped, even
when I drove a car for 9 years commuting to work, so I guess I'm lucky
that way.
Mike Hahn

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Hahn <>
Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 4:41 PM
Subject: Injustice committed by Parking Enforcement Unit of TPS
To: Mike Hahn <>
To Whom It May Concern:
am writing this email on behalf of my friend, Hussein Adani, who I
believe has been unjustly targeted by the Parking Enforcement Unit of
the Toronto Police Service. Hussein gives me free food at the
restaurant he owns, and in return I have helped him approach each of you
regarding this injustice (English is not his first language since he is from Somalia, and he
doesn't own a computer). Here is a list of the organizations and individuals I have
approached in the past:
What follows is an abbreviated version of the email which I helped write for Hussein and previously sent to each of you:- Kevin Donovan, Toronto Star
- the fifth estate, CBC
- Go Public, CBC News
- Gerry McNeilly, OIPRD
- Yasir Naqvi, Attorney General of Ontario
- David Orazietti, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
- J. Paul Dubé, Ontario Ombudsman
- Bill Morneau, Finance Minister (Toronto Centre MP)
- Mitzie Hunter, MPP
- Kristyn Wong-Tam, Councillor
was the victim of police harassment on 6 occasions between 2003 and
2013. The police knocked on his door at 3 a.m., asking for ID. The
police searched his home at 7 a.m., looking for one of his employees.
The police interrogated him (and his waiter) at his restaurant, claiming
that some of his customers were criminals. Two plainclothes policemen
entered the basement of his restaurant, identified themselves as cops,
and left. The police came looking for one of his former employees (who
worked for 2 weeks and then left, 2 years previously), pushed him into
the kitchen, and used profanity when asked for a badge number. The
police went to strip search, in his restaurant basement, someone they arrested
outside on the street. When Hussein objected because he didn't want to get involved, they implied to him that
he was being unhelpful (not wanting to help police).
main complaint that Hussein has against the TPS is that parking
enforcement officers were harassing him and threatening to close his
restaurant, as well as unfairly ticketing both himself and his customers
(while leaving the customers of a nearby Pizza Hut alone). The police
have suspended his driver's license, and he is now unable to deliver
food. He had to fire all of his employees, resulting in stress due to
overwork. His business has suffered, he serves fewer customers
and is much worse off financially now, compared with 2004. He is
afflicted with nightmares, insomnia, and self-hatred.
is a Canadian citizen, taxpayer, family man, activist, athlete, has no
criminal record, and supports the community. All he wants is a fair
trial and equal justice. He needs your help in resolving his complaint
against the TPS and the Parking Enforcement Unit in particular. Hussein
is a good man and I urge you to join me in being of assistance to my
friend, since I believe that he has been wronged and his cause is worth
fighting for.
Mike Hahn
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