Yesterday I designed a new project called Typracell: an online marketplace of goods, services, and ideas. It uses 2 languages I more or less finished designing which I mentioned in my previous post: Typrathon (used to be Pyrenthic) and Bracetagger. Typracell is implemented in Java. I started designing the precursor of Typracell about 8 weeks ago: Pyrenthica.
The first step in implementing Typracell is learning Java by developing a Scrabble game called Jabbler. After I finish Jabbler I will implement Meetagrid, which is a website that facilitates online meetings. I have already implemented the command-line version of Jabbler and released it on GitHub. The next step is to implement robot players (playing against the computer). Many years ago I wrote a Scrabble game using Delphi which supported robot players, and they always beat me.
I continue to exchange emails with my friend Steph, and sometimes we go out on dates. She doesn't want to be in a relationship with me or anyone, since she doesn't feel ready for that at this stage in her life. I go for a brisk 30-minute walk almost every day, I floss my teeth once a week, and I try to buy 3 or 4 bananas and 3 apples once every 8 to 11 days. Eventually I intend to also buy lettuce and tomatoes on those same trips to FreshCo. I seem to have very little depression these days, due to my keeping relatively busy with my computer projects. It's also a morale booster to have a friend that I met on a dating site, even though we're just friends. I got very little sleep last night so I think I might go to bed early. Tomorrow is my volunteer job and the day after I'll start working on robot players. Until we meet again on Blogger, that's all for now.