I have been advised that developing a porn site is not cool. MoPyica.com is now just a website that lets you manage your image collection online, no more hosting soft-core porn. When that's up and running I hope to monetize it by inventing a new web programming language called Lyvathon.org. Prior to implementing Lyvathon I intend to approach an organization called Specialisterne (they find IT jobs for those on the autism spectrum). I want them to help me recruit a Python programmer, who will pick up where I left off and make MoPyica much more elaborate. Meanwhile I will be implementing Lyvathon. Tomorrow I intend to finish implementing the "forgot password" feature, except I may not get around to writing the code that performs the actual password reset and sends the new password via email (although those 2 tasks are fairly straightforward to implement). Now I'm going to pig out on mini-donuts covered with white powdered sugar, and then I'm off to bed. It's wonderful to have a software project to fill my days. Boredom sucks. Time for a sugar snack.
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