Monday, May 18, 2015

Doubly-linked list

Today I made a design decision to use a doubly-linked list to keep track of pages (each page has 256 nodes, and each node consists of 12 bytes) in my Lyvathon project. I will modify the pseudocode later today or tomorrow. In a doubly-linked list, each member of the list points to both the next and previous members of the list.

Recently I helped my friends Max and Main with computer tasks. I helped Max apply for a security job at the Pan Am Games, and I wrote 2 ads in Kijiji for my friend Main. The first ad was meant to hire someone to work at his perfume booth in the flea market on weekends, and the second ad was advertising that same perfume and cosmetics booth, including 10 images of different brands of perfume. I am currently helping Diane, one of my students in my volunteer job as a computer tutor, develop her website. She is a travel writer.

Yesterday I went to my brother Dave's place for dinner. His wife and son were there, and his wife's friend Irene. Irene is from the Czech Republic, and she's moving back there in a few weeks. After dinner the drain in the kitchen sink was clogged, but Dave fixed it with the help of a snake that he had to go out and buy that same evening. I always enjoy my visits with Dave.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Welcome to my new blog. I am 55 years old, have mental health issues but no cognitive impairment, and I love computer programming. I have recently finished designing a new programming language called Lyvathon and I'm going to begin implementing it this week. I might decide to also get into web design/programming as a sideline. This blog is about my adventures in the world of Information Technology (IT).

I have a sister named Catherine (Dave and I call her Cathy), a brother named Dave, a sister-in-law named Susan, a former brother-in-law (my sister's ex) named Ralph, a niece named Riel, and 2 nephews named Jesse and Alex. I have 3 friends named Max, Main, and John Newell. I have a close friend named Constance (Max's sister), and 2 women I have previously dated or might date in the future: Robin and Diane, respectively. My psychiatrist is Dr. Soni. I hope you enjoy my blog!