Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lyvathon: first steps

Today I made a list of the first 5 steps in implementing Lyvathon. After finishing Step 5 I intend to post a help-wanted notice on SourceForge, to recruit Python programmers as well as web programmers who know server-side languages and web development frameworks. Those individuals I recruit will help me transform Lyvathon from a bare-bones language for server-side web programming to a useful tool for professional programmers. Those 5 steps are as follows:

  1. Finish user authentication
  2. Implement image collection manager
  3. Implement Lyvathon (console mode)
  4. Combine Lyvathon with Flask
  5. Convert image collection manager from Python to Lyvathon

Lyvathon will be developed using Python, Flask, and MySQL. Step 3 is the hardest step, since it involves developing a brand-new programming language which I call Lyvathon. I expect it will take up to one year to implement all 5 steps, and the entire project will be up and running before this decade is out. So that's my own personal moonshot, in a nutshell (said the certifiable techie --I must be having delusions of grandeur once again --nevertheless, at least I'll be busy for some time to come, and that beats vegetating half the time).

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