Sunday, June 7, 2015

Moving to Vancouver

I may rent out my condo this summer or fall and rent a condo in Vancouver for a year. If I like it OK, then I will sell my condo and buy one in Vancouver, say in New Westminster, so long as it's at most one bus ride from a Skytrain station (I won't own a car). My brother (who has a tenant in his self-contained basement suite) can help me find good tenants and he can fix things if something goes wrong, like a clogged drain. If my tenants move in their own furniture, then I will put my furniture in storage in case I decide to move back to Toronto. If I buy a condo in Vancouver then I will sell the contents of the storage locker and buy new furniture. All I need when I'm renting is a bed, a computer table, an office chair, a kitchen chair, and a kitchen table. Cathy said I can use movers to move my desktop computer, printer, monitor, and clothes to Vancouver (just a partial truckload). Hopefully my idea won't bite the dust, and will eventually be profitable (it's only about 24 hours old, so who knows?). Keeping my fingers crossed.

I thought it might be nice to live somewhere other than Toronto, where I've lived all my life except I went to school mostly in the Philadelphia area. Vancouver seems kind of trendy, almost like the Silicon Valley of Canada, although that's probably true more or less just for the gaming industry. Susan said Vancouver is nicer than Toronto, and my sister's family lives there and in Victoria. What the hell, my condo is 10 years old, having moved into a brand-new unit. Why not have some adventure in my life, for a change? This evening I will work on Lexografix. Today I started getting into the habit of going for 30-minute walks, hopefully every other day, and tomorrow I'll floss my teeth, also doing that every other day. Even though it's less than the minimum amount of recommended exercise, at least I will feel more responsible that I'm taking better care of my health, as I am 55 years old. Can making special trips to the supermarket for fruit, lettuce, and tomatoes be also within my grasp? Only time will tell. Hopefully at least depression will no longer darken my door as frequently (just 2 days, recently, in the past 5 weeks). So as they say, à votre santé.

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