Saturday, June 27, 2015

Drop shipping website

On this coming Friday I will meet with my supervisor at West Neighbourhood House, Tom Namgyal (I'm a volunteer computer tutor). I have offered to help him develop a website for his drop shipping business venture. Drop shipping involves being a middleman between suppliers and consumers. I will offer to do the website for free, in exchange for two favours (the second favour is optional). The first favour is that when I approach Tom's employer, after the development of my website is a little further along, he must tell his boss that I'm a good tutor. He already told me that I'm one of their most talented tutors. The other favour is that he has first dibs on the AppaTeach Co-Founder position. Since that favour is optional, he doesn't have to become the Co-Founder unless he wants to. If he does become the Co-Founder, he can keep his present job at WNH if desired and even do his drop shipping business on the side. If he becomes the part-time Co-Founder than I will be running the day to day operations of AppaTeach and I can come to him for business advice when needed. I want WNH to help me hire the Core Curriculum Developer, who will write the AppaTeach literacy (and optionally math) curriculum based on the existing WNH literacy/math curriculum.

Correction: Tom having first dibs on the Co-Founder position is one of two favours I am offering him; the other favour is doing the drop shipping website for free. In exchange he has to tell his boss that I'm a good tutor, and he must forward my initial email approaching WNH to his boss. He is of course free to turn down my job offer.

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